立新洁具,创立于1990年,是国内生产洁具,自创业以来,兢兢业 业,企业迅猛发展,从手工作坊式发展成现代化工业企业。本公司秉承传统生产技艺,吸收国外洁具精华,不断为消费者开发出高级化、现代 化、精致化的铜器卫浴设备系列,为提升
立新洁具以雄厚的技术力量和精良的加工设备,生产出溶合精美的设计、持久的品质、经济的价格为一体的洁具精品。 如今立新洁具以自己独有的品质和一流的服务获得了成功,产品畅销国内各大、中城市,并深广大用户喜爱。 二十一世纪的曙光刚刚来到,立新人更加努力,与广大客户
WHENZHOU LIXIN FAUCET EQUIPMENT CO.LTD is specialized in faucet designing.Manufacturing and marketing since her founding in 1996. The enterprise has invited high-class professional technique and advanced equipments with the
principia of “keep improving” that build the brand of “SMACK” and get high reputation all over the world.Since 2006. SMACK has paid more attention to brand service. developing strategy and improving system. to develop
the business relationship with our clients.
“Quality first, credit first, customer first” is the target that SMACK people always insist to. Every person does his endeavor to make SMACK as modern first class enterprise.
Welcome to contact us for any information. We look forward to build the business relationshipwith you. We will offer you beset service and you will find SMACK is your reliable cooperative partner.
Lixin Faucet Equipment Co.,LTD.
ADD:NO.588 Haigong Road Haicheng Longwan Wenzhou China
TEL:0086-577-85237388 85221388